» Download My Girls A Lifetime with Carrie and Debbie Todd Fisher 9780062792327 Books
Barbra Burks on Thursday, May 23, 2019
Download My Girls A Lifetime with Carrie and Debbie Todd Fisher 9780062792327 Books

Product details - Paperback 400 pages
- Publisher William Morrow Paperbacks; Reprint edition (May 28, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0062792326

My Girls A Lifetime with Carrie and Debbie Todd Fisher 9780062792327 Books Reviews
- One definition of insanity, quoted in Todd Fisher's book, is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." And as we read along, that quote is brought to life by the never-ending Sisyphean efforts on the part of Todd and his mother to find a home for her expansive collection of costumes and scenery scavenged from the ashes of MGM. Debbie and Todd keep pushing that rock up the hill and, just when they're about to make it to the top and realize their noble quest, something happens and the rock, loosened from their grasp, tumbles back down that Hollywood hill, plunging them both into temporary despair. "Temporary," because we are reminded that the word "can't is a verb not in their vocabulary, and we find ourselves saddened at each failed attempt to find a home for Debbie's now-disintegrating MGM collection. Everyone from George Lucas to Warren Buffet tells them to sell, sell, sell, but this is also a verb not in Debbie's vocabulary. They press on, putting themselves into debt to the tune of millions of dollars in the process. This scenario happens again and again until finally the reader begins to anticipate the next catastrophe. Todd does everything he can to help his mother recognize her dream of a Hollywood museum. He admires his mother's single-minded pursuit of a home for the entire collection, and understands her desire for it not to be dispersed piece-meal to the four winds. Had they been able to concentrate on this one thing, perhaps it might have turned out better for them. But throughout the book, Debbie is consistently sidelined by husbands stealing her money while Todd is called off on a regular basis to save his beloved sister, Carrie Fisher, from destroying herself as she deals with the ramifications of her bipolar disorder. Todd's portrayal of "his girls" is filled with love, compassion and understanding. They could not have asked for a better guardian. He works as hard as he can to hold both of them together, at times sacrificing his own personal life to do so. This was a thoroughly readable, at times riveting, book and I couldn't get through it fast enough. Todd, who looks like his father before Eddie turned "Asian," is also, thankfully, his polar opposite when it comes to familial responsibility. The love for his girls is so admirable that when things work out in the end the reader breathes a big sigh of relief. Well done, Todd.
- I wasn't sure I wanted to buy this book. I am so glad I did. Todd Fisher writes with great care and compassion about these two women in his life.
It is well worth the read. Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher meant a lot to me. Todd Fisher should be proud, he wrote a lovely book. - Just started reading Todd's book and it's one of the best biographies I've read. The flow is great, feels like we are sitting one and one and having a conversation. It's a very intimate portrait of a life lived with two amazing, legendary women. I appreciate his candor, and Todd sharing his perspective with us, even allowing us a more in-depth glimpse into their lives by granting access to his personal archives of photos and videos (available on his website). You can tell he is a very genuine, caring person who was trusted implicitly by his mother and sister. What an incredible, unique life this family lived. I can't imagine the devastating loss and tremendous void left with their deaths so close together. I highly recommend this book.
- This is a MUST HAVE for all fans of Debbie or Carrie! Todd writes so lovingly of both his mother and sister. You can tell he cared for them deeply—and he is such a good story teller and writer. I could not put this book down! I read it in less than 9 hours. A terrific read, and very touching. You definitely won’t regret buying this book. I was so excited to get it, and had high expectations and it did not disappoint. Thank you to Todd for sharing “his girls†with us one last time....
- I laughed and I cried. Todd Fisher did a great job allowing us to view "his girls" objectively. I have always admired Debbie Reynolds the most and I took away what a fighter and a great spirit she had. She was provider, protector and sole bread winner most of her life for her children (and many others) and she never backed down...even to punching a few times. I do see her as a tad too permissive with the kids; ie Todd brings home a tank (a real one) and prays (literally on his knees by his bed), she will let him keep it. His mother witnesses this earnest prayer in the doorway and says "Really? You're praying for a tank"?? I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. (He got to keep the tank). A few times I may have agreed with grandma Reynolds of thinking her daughter lost her compass. But Debbie was under a lot of pressure and stress with teenage children to support and she was flat broke. Tough time for her and feeling a failure between the broken marriages and their impact on her and her kids. Todd gave a more tender insight into Harry Karl, DBs second husband. Basically a loving good guy but had addictions that destroyed everyone around him including himself. His description of Mr. Karl taking Todd with him to father/son batting practice was classic funny. I take it he was an "indoor" kinda guy. Also nothing good again about Eddie Fisher their father. He seems to be self centered and selfish and only interjects himself if there is something in it for him. Carrie is still a contradiction as well. Todd said she could be the sweetest, most kind and generous person and on the turn of a dime turn on Todd and say vicious cruel things and be thoughtless. She took advantage of her mother and mom didn't tell her "no" way before
she should have. But Todd is the hero of their lives and the best man they ever had. He was there for his mother all the time and for Carrie as well. He was the anchor with the great heart I believe he got from his mother. Thank you for sharing this with us Todd. You're tops in my book. - Todd -you did your mother and sister proud! I am sure your mother would want her fans to know just how proud she was of you and how strong she had to be so many times in her life. And how close you and Carrie were growing up-- yet how different she was from both of you. I loved your style of writing and found the book hard to put down. I commend your warm tribute to both these women who you were privileged to grow up with