» PDF The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250214508 Books
Barbra Burks on Monday, May 27, 2019
PDF The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250214508 Books

Product details - Hardcover 352 pages
- Publisher St. Martin's Essentials (May 7, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1250214505

The Emotion Code How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health Love and Happiness Updated and Expanded Edition Dr Bradley Nelson Tony Robbins 9781250214508 Books Reviews
- Wow, wow, wow, what an awesome book. First off, Dr. Bradley Nelson, through this book, introduced me to the wonderful world of muscle testing. At first I thought it couldn't possibly work, but the more I did it, I started to see there's really something to it! I felt like a whole new magical world was opened up to me. I could ask myself (or the universe?) anything and get answers. I've been using muscle testing to find out what supplements are best for my body, what foods are best, whether or not I should continue with the physical therapy I'd been going to with no success (and the answer was "no"), the causes of my insomnia, and so on. The book is worth it just for this bit of wisdom alone!
But the book is REALLY about how most of us have trapped emotions that cause all kinds of emotional and physical ills and how we can release them with a simple technique using muscle testing and an ordinary magnet - even a refrigerator magnet will work. Dr. Nelson provides example upon example of how he's successfully used muscle testing in his chiropractic office. Reading about those examples were very helpful to (a) get my skeptical mind to start thinking this technique might actually work, and (b) give me ideas of all the kinds of experiences that can lead to a trapped emotion and all the various physical and mental ailments that can result from a trapped emotion.
So now I've finished the book, and over the past few weeks have experimented with releasing my own trapped emotions. I've got to say, I think this really works! First I released a couple emotions and found out when and how (meaning what was the situation) they were trapped. Fascinating! Then I worked on the heart wall and released 7 emotions that were trapped there. According to muscle testing, my heart wall is gone. Now every few days I'll work on releasing another emotion or two, and I plan to do this until my body says there are no more trapped emotions.
To give a little background, I have a history of problems with depression and anxiety. I was on medication for 20 years, and over the past few years have weaned myself off all pharmaceuticals (prescription and over-the-counter) and have totally revamped my diet, eating no wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, soy, yeast or processed food and only eating organic vegetables, fruit, some meat, nuts, seeds and filtered water with no fluoride nor chlorine. I've lost 50 pounds, which is awesome, but the depression has hung in there and no supplements, positive affirmations or alternative therapies seemed to work. Then comes this book. After releasing several emotions I was feeling noticeably better! Now I'm not out of the woods yet, but then again my body tells me I still have trapped emotions to release. I'm the most optimistic than I've been in a long, long time. I can't wait to try the technique on some friends to see if it will help them as well. Again, I feel a whole new world has just opened up for me. This book is such a gift! - Muscle testing has been a regular part of my family's life nearly 10yrs. It has assisted me in my journey to heal from ptsd/agoraphobia & chronic illness. I was originally taught EFT/tapping technique, visualizations, & phrase based affirmations to access energetic/emotional change. There was very little in this book that I did not already understand. I breezed through it in a day. That being said, it has been incredibly helpful!
What I have been struggling with the last few years was how to get past the murky/muddy aspects of asking 100 questions to get 1 answer. Tapping is helpful but I was not getting the results I was looking for. It was also hard for my husband to feel connected to that process. He also does not benefit as much from visualizations (for various personal reasons).
Whether you are new to this work or been doing it for many years, we all should go back to the basics from time to time. Nelson gives you a can't fail guide to getting the answers you want from your body, then giving you the exact process to wipe it clear away!
Despite 10yrs of work, ive continued to struggle with an eating disorder. 1 session using Nelsons method and I discovered that my disorder wasnt mine at all - but the result of trapped emotions taken on from a relative when I was young. I cleared the emotions associated with that disorder and ive been in control of my body & food ever since. If you have ever had a compulsion - you'll know it triggers anxiety, emotional upheaval, & makes you feel like an addict. Now, I can respect myself, control any natural cravings and feel confident in MY choices.
I haven't jumped on a band wagon so fast in my life! Im now addicted to clearing old negative emotions! Lol I clear everything around me from my dogs, cats, husband, horses. I have a horse that was abused in her early years and suffers major anxiety and panic. This method is already showing results - her demeanor is more steady, her back problems are relaxing, her gait is opening up.
This method is reminding me of all the reasons I fell in love with energy work to begin with. Its the spark I needed to keep going and continue to help myself & life around me. - I watched the movie "e-motion" and was really impressed with Dr Nelson so bought this book. Honestly, I was expecting absolutely nothing but this book has helped my health tremendously. Back in 1994 after a year of off the charts physical and emotional stress, my immune system broke down and I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. I went from working out pretty hard 5-6 days a week to not being able to work out at all. Over time it got a bit better but I still couldn't push myself or I'd get sick, every time. After using this book (and doing the exercises on my own, no practitioner or assistance), my body got stronger and now I'm working out almost every day and feeling great. It's amazing! I'm so grateful for the wisdom contained in this book. I highly recommend it.
- Coming from a household of Oncologists, I was very skeptical when I picked up this book. In fact, I was truly just looking for another self development book. There were three things that were pressing me. My mother passing away from pancreatic cancer and having limiting beliefs before she passed away bothered me. Also, why people would join businesses and why they would sabatoge themselves left me curious. Lastly, why my parents divorced after thirty years made me realize that relationships are more complex and what would make this type of result happen? All of these questions were resolved by the study of imbalances and an issue called the "heart wall." This book changed our life and assisted many clients of mine all over the world. This is truly the future of medicine.