» Download PDF Little Nemo In Slumberland 1 Esos esplendidos domingos!/ These splendid Sunday! Spanish Edition Winsor McCay Peter Maresca Raul Sastre 9788498147568 Books
Barbra Burks on Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Download PDF Little Nemo In Slumberland 1 Esos esplendidos domingos!/ These splendid Sunday! Spanish Edition Winsor McCay Peter Maresca Raul Sastre 9788498147568 Books

Product details - Hardcover 120 pages
- Publisher Norma Editorial Sa; Translation edition (November 17, 2009)
- Language Spanish
- ISBN-10 8498147565

Little Nemo In Slumberland 1 Esos esplendidos domingos!/ These splendid Sunday! Spanish Edition Winsor McCay Peter Maresca Raul Sastre 9788498147568 Books Reviews
- These are the best reprints of Little Nemo I have ever seen. The paper is off-white, the colors are bright - there is no need to buy the original sheets from hundred years ago any longer. But don't expect lesser known pages, they have all been reprinted by Remco and Fantagraphics before. We should all thank Peter Maresca for this labour of love. And McCay deserves it between 1905 and 1910 he invented the grammar of the comic strip. His panels are not crowded with figures as in later years, the lay out is imaginative, and some early pages are really scary and subversive.
By the way, there's more underway a German collector is preparing a large Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend book for all those people who think that the Checker reprints are a bit too small. - To finally have a chance to see Windsor McCay's artwork as it was intended is the treat of a lifetime. The reproductions I've seen in the past reduce the size of the art like watching a 70mm film on a regular TV set.
Nothing is being produced like this anymore. McCay's talent is beyond amazing, it would take a normal artist months to produce one page like he was doing every week. The book is exhausting and I can only read a dozen pages at a time. These are exact reproductions of actual newsprint pages from the time so all the printing imperfections are here but that should not dissuade the appreciation of this comic.
If you are a true drawn art aficionado find the money for this. You will not regret it. - Peter Maresca, you deserve to be awarded the highest medal of honor in the field of comic art (and I do mean ART!) for publishing this gorgeous book!
I first fell in love with Little Nemo back in 1980 when I discovered the 1976 paperback collection published by Nostalgia Press. Even given the severe limitations of that slim volume, the charm and genius of McCay shined so brightly that for me it was love at first sight. Since then I've bought just about every bookish incarnation of Little Nemo I could lay my hands on, including the hardback 1972 Nostalgia Press edition, the Dover "Ice Kingdom" book, the 6-volume Fantagraphics set, the Evergreen 1905-1914 collection, Richard Marschall's "Best of" book, and others. I've read and treasured all of these. However, as near and dear as all of these are to my heart, (especially the Nostalgia Press book), I have to say that until I got hold of this Sunday Press full-sized version, I had never REALLY read Little Nemo. As soon as I opened this behemoth up and saw the somewhat rare January 7, 1906 "Star Imps" page full-size and full-color, I knew I was in for an amazing experience. And was I ever right! Winsor McCay AND Woody Gelman are both definitely giving you kudos, Peter!
What can I say? This monstrously-sized book is a sheer delight. The reproduction is crystal clear and in certain lights some of the panels (like those featuring the Star Imps) almost look 3-D. Although I've never seen original Sunday pages for Little Nemo, since buying this book I've downloaded many high-quality scans from eBay and other places, and the pages in this book match perfectly with what I'm seeing.
Previous smaller versions compensated and did the best they could, and we who never saw the original strips didn't really know any better. But now we know- McCay's art BEGS to be seen full-size and in its original subdued color. Whereas before I had to kind of fill-in-the-blanks with my imagination, in this Sunday Press version McCay's art (and writing) reaches right out and grabs me.
Another perceptive reviewer who loved the book commented that "Reading this book is exhausting. I can only read 12 pages at a time." I agree. The ungainly size of the book forces one to either put it on a table and lean over it to read it, or lean it up on the wall and kneel and stand up and read it, or lay it on the floor and contort yourself over it however you please. But I wouldn't advise laying on a $125 book like you would the Sunday funnies. So you have to handle it carefully and somewhat awkwardly and maybe read only a few pages at a sitting (standing?). No problem. This book is like a fine wine- meant to be sipped at. So far I haven't even managed to read 12 pages at a single sitting. I get lost in all the details and words that I can finally see clearly. But even savoring 6 or 7 pages in this format is SO rewarding.
If not for this book I would NEVER have gotten to see Little Nemo in its full, fabulous glory. What a great day we live in, that books like this can be published by lovers of the medium and bought by regular people like us. It's a steal at $125. Thank you, Peter Maresca! Very well done!! - This collection is unbeatable for admirers of Winsor McCay and Nemo, lovers of illustration, cartooning, storytelling, strange whimsy, and history. Pay attention to the size of this book. It is very large. Requires and deserves a big table.
- Beautiful book, delivered promptly, amazing condition. Could not be happier!
- I had never heard of Winsor McCay before my husband brought this book home. I was stunned by McCay's work, by the detail and beauty of the drawings, by the clever and imaginative (and funny) stories, by the whole visual impact. I can't even imagine opening up your Sunday paper to THIS every Sunday. Thank you Peter Maresca for giving us this great gift. I only wish my son were six so we could share Little Nemo's adventures together. How he would have loved this.
- If you don't yet own this book then don't pay extra for the out-of-print 1st or 2nd printings. The new 3rd printing adds 9 additional Sunday pages making it the best version to own. If you have not seen the Nemo pages reproduced at their full size and wonder if it is really worth the price the answer is YES! The artwork looks amazing at its original size each page is a beauty. Having also owned smaller versions of the Nemo pages it is much more enjoyable looking and reading them at the larger size. This is easily one of the best comic strip collections ever printed. The second volume of Sunday pages is also highly recommended.