» Download PDF Fallen Academy Year One Audible Audio Edition Leia Stone Vanessa Moyen Leia Stone LLC Books
Barbra Burks on Thursday, May 16, 2019
Download PDF Fallen Academy Year One Audible Audio Edition Leia Stone Vanessa Moyen Leia Stone LLC Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 7 hours and 19 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Leia Stone LLC
- Audible.com Release Date September 19, 2018
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

Fallen Academy Year One Audible Audio Edition Leia Stone Vanessa Moyen Leia Stone LLC Books Reviews
- Wow I am shocked at how well this is rated. There is so much fan fiction that is better written. The writing is trite and cliched. The author needs new words, I lost count how many times the word "badass" and "hottie" were used. Even the plot manages to be so painfully predictable.
Her attempt at writing a "badass" female character is rather insulting. Not only is the Bri a special Celestial (the rarest of the fallen), she's touched by all four arch angels, and Lucifer, and there's a prophecy about her and she has a special weapon that talks to her that that is so rare it's possibly the only one on earth. Yet she acts like a petulant tween, acting out to show she's "badass".
The romance (and this is what the book attempts to hinge on) is terrible. I've read many stories of two characters that are opposites become attracted to each other. This one doesn't work. It tells and doesn't show. The main characters inner monologue basically goes from oh he's such a dick and I hate him, to oh he's so hot why do I feel this? Oh, I feel bad about his tragic past (because of course he has one) To oh I'm so in love with him.
Cliches are abound. It's bad when you can finish the author's sentences before you read them. Also, Here's an example of the writing "Lincoln Grey lit a fire within me. I wasn't sure if it was a good one or a bad one, but I was engulfed in the heat nonetheless."
I rarely write reviews, but I'm just mind boggled that this was at the top of s best sellers when I bought this book. I guess the only thing going for it is that it's hard to put the book down, like watching a train crash and burn. - The war between Heaven and Hell comes to Earth or more particular Los Angeles and the results of the battles between Angels and Hell's minions has consequences on us poor mortals. Those consequences result in humans developing gifts from both factions which are neither good nor evil.
In Fallen Academy Leia has developed a world where Hogwarts meets Professor X's School for Mutants. The one catch is that there are two of these schools. One created by the Angels and the other created by the Demons. This story has everything you have come to know and love from Leia's works. Strong independent female lead plus a gripping story of love, sacrifice, and loyalty. A must read if there has ever been one. - OMG Leia Stone has done it again!!! I am so glad I ordered this book as it is seriously freaking fantastic! Everything she writes is... but WOW! Set in Los Angeles (one no longer like we know it) you have an epic battle of good vs. evil and the best cast of characters ever!!!!
Brielle will steal your heart and you will want to be a part of her team! Shea is the most epic BFF ever. Lincoln will grow on you and everyone else is just as good.
Tons of excitement, suspense as to wtf is going on and really just an epic read!! It has it all people... Angels, demons, shifters, mages, and the list goes on... everything you could want in a book! Read it! I promise you will not be disappointed... but you will be sad year 2 isn’t out yet! LOL - So, I'm a die hard Leia Stone fan. I've read every one of her books. And, I thought Dream Wars was her best work.
Until I read Fallen Academy.
Wow... So, I'd put Fallen Academy tied with Dream Wars. It was so good. This is Brielle's first year and she's sent to the school she's not anticipating. And, we get to learn all about her and her awesome guardians, fun best friend and her trusty sidekick, Sera. Ummm, Sera is me. She says stuff that I'd totally say and it's a fun time listening to her blade. No for real, Sera is her blade.
*sighs* I can see you don't believe me on her blade name. You know what this means?
You'll need to read the book. It's so good. It's great paced, good world building, great angst between her and her other half. It fun to read and never a dull moment. You'll open the first page and before you know it... you're reading
To be continued...
And you'll be frantically screaming inside that surely it's a joke, that's there's more and you realize... that there really isn't more, but you know what? That's ok because...
Book 2 is out in 2 months! And, that is doable. Waiting a year? Shoot me now. 2 months? Doable. Especially since she has Dream wars out. Which if you haven't read that, you must buy it. There are two of three books of that out! - When I first found out Leia's new book was about angels and demons, I was a smidge uncertain. It is usually such a crowded genre without many variations. I don't even know why I worried-even slightly. (Forgive me Leia!) It was truly amazing, as is EVERYTHING she does. And honestly, every single book she does is better than her last. Fallen Academy Year One seriously takes the cake. I neglected absolutely everything I was supposed to be doing to read this all in one sitting because I could. not. put. it. down. SO creative, SO interesting and such a great storyline with a twist on the genre. It is unlike anything I have read before. I love the main character Brielle, she is snarky, brazen and all around awesome. Lincoln is a grade A jerk but I love him anyway! Do not hesitate to read this! Hit 'One Click', do it! You won't be sorry.