» PDF To Our Children Children Preserving Family Histories for Generations to Come Bob Greene D G Fulford 9780385467971 Books
Barbra Burks on Tuesday, May 14, 2019
PDF To Our Children Children Preserving Family Histories for Generations to Come Bob Greene D G Fulford 9780385467971 Books

Product details - Hardcover 224 pages
- Publisher Doubleday (February 1, 1993)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0385467974

To Our Children Children Preserving Family Histories for Generations to Come Bob Greene D G Fulford 9780385467971 Books Reviews
- Then this is the book for you. I have kept a journal for decades. Stories and people who have impacted my life.
Stories about my young life I want to give to my children and their children's children. My history, their history.
But here I found so many questions in this book that I had not thought of. Some I used, some I did not. But most stimulated unthought of memories that I want to include.
It gives you a format, in a way, of ideas unthought of.
Family history, so often not passed on, is a priceless gift, so often lost.
Painfully, when you lose a family member, you so wish you could pick up the phone and ask them these unasked questions.
If you are on this journey or want to make it yours this is the book to you, an invaluable tool. - This book is a beautifully crafted set of questions designed to tweak memories of ordinary things, the stuff of which our daily lives are made. We hesitate to think of our own histories as interesting if we are not famous. But if you ask your children, they will say that how Mom and Dad met or what Grandma Jane's first house looked like are very interesting to them.
A word of warning If you are a worshipper at the Church of Oprah Winfrey and buy this book because of 's mistaken description of the author on the book's page, you will be disappointed. This book is compiled by Bob Greene and his sister D.G. Fulford. The Bob Greene who wrote this book is the Chicago-based former journalist and current contributor to CNN and NOT the Bob Greene who became famous as Oprah Winfrey's personal trainer. Hey !! You need to change that! - Not only is this a thoughtfully written and organized book, but this is also a handy little book. It's small size easily fits into a backpack or overnight bag. I put the book and a really good gel pen and a pad of paper into a gallon-sized Ziplock-type baggie so that I can write anytime, anywhere. I always take it with me to the beach and often take it with me on overnight trips, too, finishing one question per trip. I randomly open the book, choose an appropriate question, close the book and start writing whatever comes to mind about the subject.
It is surprising how the questions in the book really make one think back. One time I took my 18-year-old son to the beach with me. I showed him the book, we each chose a question and wrote for over an hour, sitting amongst the grasses in the sun and wind. I discovered he was definitely not too young to write down his history! Yes, I hand-write the entries and then transcribe them later with a word processor. A workbook or journal would be too space-restricting for me, and no way can I do a question per day!
I'm okay with not answering all the questions in the book. It is nice to know that even if I don't get very far in the book, my three children and my siblings will know me a lot better than if I never answered one. If I had no children, I would write anyway because you just never know who would be touched by your life. This is a must-have book for anyone wanting to pass some history down because it makes it so much easier to do. This book made it easy enough for me, the single mom with two jobs, to start a personal history! - VERY useful book which sets you on a path of leaving a written (or taped) legacy for your family and other loved ones. It's full of all kinds of ideas - you can pick and choose what works for you and go from there. It includes all varieties of information that you probably never thought about! This project is something to get started on early and work on steadily - we never know how much time we have no matter our age. Definitely worth having available for when you're ready to get started!
- Using this book as a guide, I'm creating a journal for my children by interviewing their 84 year old great grandmother(who has a great memory and has survived WWII), all four of their grandparents, myself and my husband. This is the kind of project everyone aspires to do but never does then regrets not doing so when it's too late. I've had so much fun learning so many interesting things about my family members. My husband and I have been married almost 10 years and I've learned so many new things about him from these questions. We have fun going down memory lane and sharing our childhood memories together.
I plan on giving some of these journals to my nieces and nephews when they are older so they can read them and take comfort in these memories when their family members are gone. My children have spent brief times with their great grandmother but with this information that i've accumulated, they will have a more intimate knowledge of the extraordinary life she's lived and learn from it.
This project takes a lot of time but i'm having so much fun learning new things, it doesn't feel like work. - I love this book, my father is 94 years old, his short term memory is bad, but his long term is very good, this book has quite a few different topics and asks a variety of questions. This book will be pasted on to generations and get to know their grandfather, greatgrandfather and beyond.
- This is such a good book to get one started writing--if you are having difficulties. Not every question is relevant for every person. But the wide variety of topics is amazing. Most anyone will get lots of ideas of what and how to write to leave a record for your family when you are gone.
- I was expecting more of a journal where things could be filled in but this more of a list of questions to ask and document elsewhere.